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Melanie Albin PsyS. LMFT
Sep 3, 2020
The 7 Causes of Depression
Depression may result from physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual reasons.Although it is not possible to live life without feeling sad

Melanie Albin PsyS. LMFT
Mar 19, 2020
Change Depression & Low Self-Esteem
The "one-eyed" view is a negative view of ourselves, our day, our future and of our world which leads to depression and low self-esteem.

Melanie Albin PsyS. LMFT
Mar 19, 2020
Understanding how our self-esteem is created, is helpful in learning how to change it.
Our self-esteem is influenced by what we heard in our environment about ourselves from our parents, siblings, peers and teachers. It's not t

Melanie Albin PsyS. LMFT
Mar 19, 2020
Problem-solving skills in a nutshell: At least 3 options exist for every problem.
3 options exist for every problem. Research the options with an expert in the field of the problem.Sometimes more than 3 options exist.
Thinking about what you are grateful for actually attracts more things to be grateful for. The Universal Law of Attraction
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