Change Depression & Low Self-Esteem
Updated: May 27, 2023
The "one-eyed" view is a negative view of ourselves, our day, our future, and of our world which leads to depression and low self-esteem. Generally, it is learned when we are growing up in our families. Because it is learned, it can be changed. The negative view is a narrow view that leaves out the positive. The "one-eyed view" is only one of the 7 causes of depression. #changedepression

Changing your negative view to include the positive one
Take a moment several times a day to notice something to be grateful for in your life and the world. Use the driving time, waiting in line at the grocery, any time when you can catch a moment, and time at the end of the day. Do it out loud with your children in the car and have them do it, do it at the dinner table, and always do it at the end of the day and before you go to sleep. You will incorporate this practice into your daily routine always from now on. You will become more adept at noticing things throughout your day as your mind makes this a new habit.
You will become more adept at noticing things throughout your day as your mind makes this a new habit. As you begin to balance out your view with the positive, it changes your perspective and offers hope. The more you focus on feeling grateful, the more things happen to be grateful for. Thinking about it attracts more things to be grateful for in your life. Universal laws exist that affect us every day. The Law of Attraction "We attract to our lives, what we focus on". (See the Blog on Feeling Grateful.)
To see the positive in yourself
(See the Blog on Changing your self-esteem) #changinglowselfesteem
Understanding how our self-esteem is created, helps learn how to change it. Our self-esteem is influenced by what we heard in our environment about ourselves from our parents, siblings, peers, and teachers. It's not the accuracy of what we hear, it's the number of times we hear it.
First make a list of what you consider to be your gifts, strengths, and talents. Everyone has gifts they were born with or talents they developed to make the world a better place. We all have different gifts, strengths, and talents from each other and when we put ours together with others, we can make the world a better place.
Then have as many people as you are comfortable with, and make a list of what they believe are your gifts, strengths, and talents. Have them give you the list after you have made your own. The more people you ask, the more you will get out of the exercise. Try to ask seven to ten people.
Read all the lists you gather together. Notice how some gifts are repeated by different people. You will be shocked at the number of gifts, strengths, and talents others have noticed.
Make a combined list of your gifts, strengths, and talents.
Then, take notice when your unconscious mind throws out negative self-talk. Make a list of the negative thoughts that come to your mind.
Take your list of gifts, strengths, and talents and come up with an affirmation to counter your negative thought. For example "I am so stupid" instead might become something you are good at like "I am intuitive".
Listen for the negative self-thought, as soon as it comes "thought stop it" (see a stop sign or see the thought going up and away in a balloon; something that represents stops to you.) and counter it with the accurate, positive thought "I am intuitive". Do that successfully 21 times in a row, after your unconscious mind throws it into your conscious mind, and your brain will erase the negative thought and change it to the positive one.
Follow that procedure, for each negative thought. We generally carry 7 different negative thoughts that we say to ourselves over and over.
Watch what you are thinking, and what you focus on, because you can record new negative self-talk.
Surround yourself with others who speak about your gifts, strengths, and talents. Avoid people who make negative comments.