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Respect for the environment and respect for different cultures is the change we need in the world.

Writer: Melanie Albin PsyS. LMFTMelanie Albin PsyS. LMFT

Updated: Jul 11, 2023

Respect for the environment and respect for different cultures must be addressed to make the world a better place. We currently live in a world entrenched in racism.

Our failure is recognizing differences as being part of the tapestry of the universe. Our children or grandchildren motivate us to still tackle making the world a better place. The world currently looks impossible to save. It is difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel. All our negativity has risen to the top.

As a white American, I am embarrassed by the white history of aggression and racism. Whites historically and currently are aggressive. Whites fail to recognize the intellect and knowledge of other cultures and other races. A case in point, the English sailed to Africa, battled African Americans for their land, and made them slaves in their own country. White Europeans sail to America, and rather than respecting and learning from the indigenous people that were there, they fight and kill Native Americans, steal their land, and force them into poverty. The English further captured and tore African Americans from their families and country and shipped them to England and America and made them slaves. Our culture has encouraged and allowed the mistreatment of any race that is different. And our culture has allowed police to mistreat races on our streets. We extend our prejudice to anyone that is different. This thinking is correct. We need to stop prejudice of any kind. #racism

Rather than respecting and seeing the intelligence in nature, we wreck our natural habitat. Without regard for animals' welfare, we take them out of their natural habitat and enclose them in small places so we can see them. We hunt animals for sport or for money. Some mistreat animals watching them fight to the death. Some watch while dogs or horses race for sport and money.

We continue to destroy the earth from pollution, garbage, and toxic waste. We do not understand the balance of nature. All the answers we seek are in nature. We fail to recognize the intelligence of nature and the intelligence in animals which we can learn.

If we would have lived alongside and respected and learned from indigenous people in America, we could be living in a peaceful and much more evolved America. The world over, we fight for land, religion, and domination rather than learning from each other, we become enemies. We need to learn from our differences. We can start by changing this attitude in our homes.

Our world has been unsuccessful at modeling the humane treatment of animals and people. We distribute guns to our youth. We encourage our youth to play sports that break bones and cause brain trauma. We watch men fight and cheer them on not unlike ancient cultures that cheered men on while they fought to their death. White Americans enslave and abuse African Americans to collect their diamonds and give them no share in the profit. We need to put an end to all the corrupt behavior that exists.

We continue to make and view violence in movies, TV series, and news broadcasts. This viewing serves to model violence that follows in actions. We see this increase in our communities.

Our culture has allowed the abuse of women and children. We allow women to be stolen or misrepresented to come to America only to be forced into pornography. In order to stop violence in the streets we have to stop violence in our homes. We need to educate our children, new mothers, and fathers on what constitutes physical and emotional abuse. We need to teach positive interactive skills. We need to speak up when we see or experience abuse. Speak out if you see or experience abuse by police, by a partner, see abuse, especially of children or see or experience abuse in the workplace.

What can we do to make the world a better place?

Do what you can to model conscious acts of kindness to others. We need to learn from our differences. We can start by changing this attitude in our homes.

We need to cooperate not compete with other people and other countries. Support a government that will cooperate not compete.COVID-19 gives us the opportunity to cooperate with other countries around the world for solutions. #Covid19 Climate change gives us an opportunity to cooperate with other countries for solutions that will benefit our planet. Until we are aware of how we impact our world's ecosystem, we will have weather disturbances that cause loss of property and life. All the answers we seek are in nature. #climatechange

We need to right past wrongs. Over the globe, we have to stop all our inhumane and unequal treatment of races. Everywhere white people need to acknowledge our history of prejudice, stop it and make amends. For example, from now on, African Americans and Native Americans get free education for elementary, middle, and high school and college including graduate schools in the college of their choice. Since we displaced their homes free upscale housing in the place of their choice could be given to them.

Solutions to our waste. Recycle. We do not need to reinvent solutions. We can learn from other countries, for example, Holland is more successful at limiting waste and is way ahead of America in recycling.

Respect animals and nature's natural habitat across the world.

Do not cut down trees. Plant trees.

We allow religion to divide us. Religions have more in common than they have differences. Share land. Stop killing your sons and daughters. It is another way we maintain prejudice versus coming together to solve problems like world hunger or homelessness.

Hunger and homelessness should not exist if we work together to distribute the world's resources. I see glimpses of hope with the cooperation in the COVID-19 crisis of farmers and restaurants coming together with government funding to feed struggling families. It is a start that could be extended. How much food goes to waste while we have people starving? If we cooperated, we can grow and ship food where it is needed. We can work to provide the world's resources to eradicate poverty and homelessness. We can allocate resources to build homes for everyone. Couldn't we provide resources to feed, clothe, educate, or provide mental health resources that will enable every person to live with dignity and honor?

I am sure others of you have ideas. Working together is how we solve problems. Please contribute them to this blog. We need to use all of our strengths, gifts, and talents to make the world a better place.#maketheworldabetterplace



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Melanie Albin Psy.S. LMFT

1911 Buttonwood Road

Louisville, KY 40222

502 423-9077


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